Dedalo GRC advisory organizes the COBIT 2019 Foundation course on-line 11-12/01/2021

This is a 2-day training session, which will be followed by the exam

Course Overview
COBIT 2019 builds on and integrates more than 25 years of development in this field, not only incorporating new insights from science, but also operationalizing these insights as practice. The heart of the COBIT framework updates COBIT principles while laying out the structure of the overall framework including: New concepts are introduced and terminology is explained—the COBIT Core Model and its 40 governance and management objectives provide the platform for establishing your governance program. The performance management system is updated and allows the flexibility to use maturity measurements as well as capability measurements. Introductions to design factors and focus areas offer additional practical guidance on flexible adoption of COBIT 2019, whether for specific projects or full implementation. From its foundation in the IT audit community, COBIT has developed into a broader and more comprehensive information and technology (I&T) governance and management framework and continues to establish itself as a generally accepted framework for I&T governance.

Who Should Attend
The COBIT 2019 Foundation course would suit candidates working in the following IT professions or areas:
• IT Auditors
• IT Managers
• IT Quality professionals IT Leadership
• IT Developers Process practitioners
• Managers in IT service providing firms
The above list is a suggestion only; individuals may wish to attend based on their own career aspirations, personal goals or objectives. Delegates may take as few or as many Intermediate qualifications as they require, and to suit their needs.

Course Objectives
This COBIT 2019 Foundation course is designed as an introduction to COBIT 2019 and enables you to understand how an integrated business framework for the governance and management of enterprise IT can be utilized to achieve IT business integration, cost reductions and increased productivity.
The syllabus areas that this course is designed to cover are:
• New framework introduction
• Key concepts and terminology
• Governance and Framework Principles
• Governance system and components
• Governance and management objectives
• Performance management
• Designing a tailored governance system

Course Outline
• COBIT 5 overview and introduction
• Key concepts and terminology
• Governance systems and components
• Governance management objectives
• Goals cascade
• Performance management
• Designing a tailored governance system
• Implementing enterprise governance of IT

For more information please contact

Dedalo Academy has a gift for you : each course participant will be given a tree from our forest :-)

Dedalo is an Accredited Training Organization (ATO) at APMG-International for the provision of courses and certification exams on the international standard ISO/IEC 27001

DEDALO Academy & ANSSAIF: un’opportunità per giovani talenti

I giovani di oggi saranno i professionisti di domani; rappresentano pertanto un bene sociale da accudire con particolare attenzione. In questo contesto e in sintonia con il programma di Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) di Dedalo GRC advisory, abbiamo fondato Dedalo Academy; un “luogo” dove condividere e sviluppare conoscenze, Best Practice e idee innovative per accrescere professionalità e garantire lo sviluppo del capitale umano aziendale e non solo.

Dedalo è da tempo socio sostenitore di ANSSAIF – Associazione Nazionale Specialisti Sicurezza in Aziende di Intermediazione Finanziaria – una associazione culturale non profit, nata per mantenere e far crescere i contatti e le relazioni tra professionisti esperti di sicurezza in ambito bancario. Dal 2018 ANSSAIF ha permesso anche ai giovani studenti di iscriversi all’associazione come “socio studente” e partecipare gratuitamente a percorsi di formazione e sviluppo delle proprie competenze.

Il Progetto

L’iniziativa nasce dalla sinergia tra soggetti diversi ma accomunati dalla stessa volontà: diffondere la cultura della Sicurezza, della Governance dei processi aziendali e dell’Information Technology tra gli studenti e i professionisti.
Il principale obiettivo del progetto è quello di formare giovani che desiderano acquisire competenze professionali ed arricchire i loro curricula su tematiche relative a Information Technology, Cyber Security e IT Governance, indipendentemente dalla città di residenza e dal titolo di studio.
Inoltre, tra gli obiettivi vi è quello di favorire l’ingresso nel mondo del lavoro degli studenti più meritevoli, mettendoli in contatto con aziende potenzialmente interessate.
Questo percorso sarà assicurato dagli attori del progetto:

  • ANSSAIF garantirà il percorso base selezionando tra tutti i partecipanti quelli che sapranno distinguersi per capacità di relazione, partecipazione e risultati ottenuti.
  • DEDALO permetterà ad un gruppo di studenti di acquisire una certificazione professionale tra quelle maggiormente riconosciute a livello internazionale; il tutto a titolo gratuito per sostenere economicamente talenti giovanili che avrebbero altrimenti difficoltà ad accedere a percorsi di specializzazione.

Le Certificazioni


Il corso COBIT® 2019 Foundation viene svolto nell’arco di due giorni. I partecipanti avranno modo di apprendere la necessità di adottare un IT Governance Framework e come COBIT può soddisfare questa necessità apportando valore alla propria organizzazione nel perseguire gli obiettivi aziendali. Il corso illustra gli elementi principali del Framework COBIT e fornisce una sufficiente preparazione per poter sostenere con successo la relativa sessione d’esame.


L’obiettivo della certificazione Auditor è quello di attestare che il candidato possieda una conoscenza dei contenuti e dei requisiti dello standard ISO/IEC 27001 per definire, implementare, operare, monitorare e mantenere un Sistema di Gestione della Sicurezza Informatica, oltre una approfondita conoscenza su come pianificare ed effettuare audit in conformità con le procedure di certificazione definite dalla ISO stessa (International Organization for Standardization).

Dedalo GRC advisory e ANSSAIF credono fermamente che il nostro Paese possa ripartire dai giovani!

Dedalo GRC advisory organizes the COBIT 2019 Foundation course on-line 9-10/07/2020

This is a 2-day training session, which will be followed by the exam

Course Overview
COBIT 2019 builds on and integrates more than 25 years of development in this field, not only incorporating new insights from science, but also operationalizing these insights as practice. The heart of the COBIT framework updates COBIT principles while laying out the structure of the overall framework including: New concepts are introduced and terminology is explained—the COBIT Core Model and its 40 governance and management objectives provide the platform for establishing your governance program. The performance management system is updated and allows the flexibility to use maturity measurements as well as capability measurements. Introductions to design factors and focus areas offer additional practical guidance on flexible adoption of COBIT 2019, whether for specific projects or full implementation. From its foundation in the IT audit community, COBIT has developed into a broader and more comprehensive information and technology (I&T) governance and management framework and continues to establish itself as a generally accepted framework for I&T governance.

Who Should Attend
The COBIT 2019 Foundation course would suit candidates working in the following IT professions or areas:
• IT Auditors
• IT Managers
• IT Quality professionals IT Leadership
• IT Developers Process practitioners
• Managers in IT service providing firms
The above list is a suggestion only; individuals may wish to attend based on their own career aspirations, personal goals or objectives. Delegates may take as few or as many Intermediate qualifications as they require, and to suit their needs.

Course Objectives
This COBIT 2019 Foundation course is designed as an introduction to COBIT 2019 and enables you to understand how an integrated business framework for the governance and management of enterprise IT can be utilized to achieve IT business integration, cost reductions and increased productivity.
The syllabus areas that this course is designed to cover are:
• New framework introduction
• Key concepts and terminology
• Governance and Framework Principles
• Governance system and components
• Governance and management objectives
• Performance management
• Designing a tailored governance system

Course Outline
• COBIT 5 overview and introduction
• Key concepts and terminology
• Governance systems and components
• Governance management objectives
• Goals cascade
• Performance management
• Designing a tailored governance system
• Implementing enterprise governance of IT

For more information please contact

Dedalo GRC advisory, organizes the COBIT 2019 Foundation course in Rome 9-10/03/2020

This is a 2-day training session, which will be followed by the exam

Course Overview
COBIT 2019 builds on and integrates more than 25 years of development in this field, not only incorporating new insights from science, but also operationalizing these insights as practice. The heart of the COBIT framework updates COBIT principles while laying out the structure of the overall framework including: New concepts are introduced and terminology is explained—the COBIT Core Model and its 40 governance and management objectives provide the platform for establishing your governance program. The performance management system is updated and allows the flexibility to use maturity measurements as well as capability measurements. Introductions to design factors and focus areas offer additional practical guidance on flexible adoption of COBIT 2019, whether for specific projects or full implementation. From its foundation in the IT audit community, COBIT has developed into a broader and more comprehensive information and technology (I&T) governance and management framework and continues to establish itself as a generally accepted framework for I&T governance.

Who Should Attend
The COBIT 2019 Foundation course would suit candidates working in the following IT professions or areas:
• IT Auditors
• IT Managers
• IT Quality professionals IT Leadership
• IT Developers Process practitioners
• Managers in IT service providing firms
The above list is a suggestion only; individuals may wish to attend based on their own career aspirations, personal goals or objectives. Delegates may take as few or as many Intermediate qualifications as they require, and to suit their needs.

Course Objectives
This COBIT 2019 Foundation course is designed as an introduction to COBIT 2019 and enables you to understand how an integrated business framework for the governance and management of enterprise IT can be utilized to achieve IT business integration, cost reductions and increased productivity.
The syllabus areas that this course is designed to cover are:
• New framework introduction
• Key concepts and terminology
• Governance and Framework Principles
• Governance system and components
• Governance and management objectives
• Performance management
• Designing a tailored governance system

Course Outline
• COBIT 5 overview and introduction
• Key concepts and terminology
• Governance systems and components
• Governance management objectives
• Goals cascade
• Performance management
• Designing a tailored governance system
• Implementing enterprise governance of IT

For more information please contact