Dedalo provides services and solutions in the field of IT & Security, Governance, Risk Management and Compliance, developed through the vast experience of our funding partners. The high quality of our services stems from expertise, skills, innovation, deep-rooted knowledge of organizational and technical challenges developed supporting our clients operating in different industries. We leverage our wide-ranging backgrounds and experiences to develop solutions tailored to the needs of our clients, delivering a clear overview of key issues and effective implementation strategies.
Our solutions are designed to fit the needs of our clients and are based on a comprehensive initial assessment, supported by the following tools:
- S.R.M. – Security Risk Management
- CR.AA.M. – Compliance Risk Management
- SurveyNET – Surveys and online training
- WhistleBlowing – SaaS delivery model
- GDPR Platform – Management of compliance to the GDPR.
The management coaching model aims at facilitating performance and skills of our clients, supporting them in tackling the real-life challenges in their business environment. Each user in the company has a key role in the information security process; inappropriate behavior can undo any security measure adopted against cybercrime. Raising awareness in the workforce is a key strategic factor to safeguard the business and information assets.