• Corporate Social Responsibility

    Companies of any size represent a “social good” that interacts with the society and the environment.

    Keeping this principle in mind, Dedalo has chosen to integrate social and environmental considerations into its value chain.

    The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program is therefore an embedded part of our organizational model and reflects our mission to go far beyond consulting.


The first area of intervention of our program is the protection of the planet’s resources, which we recognize as one of the most important challenges of our times. In this context, we have joined the #IoSonoAmbiente campaign, launched by the Ministry of Environment, and we accepted the #PlasticFree challenge. We planned to achieve numerous and brave initiatives, such as:

  • Apply the “4 Rs” rule

    • Reduce
    • Reuse
    • Recycle
    • Recover
  • Disposable products

    Eliminate disposable plastic items such as cups, spoons, straws and plastic scoops.

  • Corporate events

    Stop the use of disposable plastic during corporate events and / or meetings.

  • Awareness

    Promote awareness actions on the importance of reducing plastic pollution among employees and our partners.

  • Ambassadors of the program

    Become ambassadors of the #PlasticFree campaign with other public and private entities we collaborate with.

All initiatives are designed to involve our suppliers, customers and partners.
For more information, please visit the website of this initiative:

  • Treedom – let’s green the planet

    Within our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategy, we have set ambitious objectives for the coming years. As a matter of fact, at Dedalo, we have decided to commit our time, skills, and resources to relevant environment and social challenges. In this context, we are proud to share the start of our new initiative “Plan a Tree”, developed in partnership with Treedom.

    The main objective of the project is to create sustainable ecosystems, which would support local communities and prevent soil erosion, preserving local biodiversity. As part of this initiative, trees are planted in forest and agricultural lands to ensure the correct interactions between the different local varieties, and a sustainable use of land and other resources. Local communities are actively involved in the projects and they benefit from them, through training and financial support. They are the ones who will care for the trees and reap their fruits.

    Our forest


    The young talents of today will be the professionals of tomorrow; therefore they represent a “social resource” to be looked after with particular care. In this context and in harmony with Dedalo GRC advisory’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, we founded Dedalo Academy; a “place” to share and develop knowledge, best practices and innovative ideas to increase professionalism and guarantee the development of corporate human capital … and far beyond.

    Dedalo has long been a supporting member of ANSSAIF – National Association of Security Specialists in Financial Intermediation Companies – a non-profit cultural association, created to maintain and develop contacts and relationships among security professionals in the banking industry. Since 2018, ANSSAIF has also allowed young students to join the association as a “student member” and participate for free in training courses aimed at developing their skills.

    The Project

    The school-work alternation is an innovative teaching method, which helps to consolidate the knowledge acquired at school, to test the attitudes of students on the field, to enrich their training and guide their study/work path through projects in line with their study plan.

    A cultural change for the construction of an Italian path to the dual system, which incorporates good practices from other European countries, combining them with the specificity of the Italian economic, social and cultural context.

    This year, Dedalo has applied to welcome young candidates, with the aim of reducing the distance between our two worlds (school and work) by guaranteeing them a training path supported by capable, patient and available Mentors.

Work with us


    Make your experience and willingness available.

    You will be part of a team that will support you in developing your potential.

    Job opportunities
Dedalo GRC advisory S.r.l. - Largo Luigi Antonelli 9 - 00145 Roma - Numero REA RM - 1536806 - PIVA e C.F. 14662641001 - Capitale Sociale €10.000